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Usually, I like to answer these questions one at a time, but given this week’s subject matter, I think I will answer them all at once. I have several reasons for this. I hope they become apparent as I answer overall.

I have worked in several industries where taking advantage is the norm. Most of my teaching and coaching jobs were seven days a week. As a coach for two seasons, yes, teachers get some compensation for being coaches, but not much when you look at the hours. Just for the sports, there are practices two or so hours after the school day, so planning is involved if you want to be successful. This includes on-the-road time to meets, matches, games, and tournaments. This is all in addition to your primary position as a teacher, which includes Lesson Plans that need to be reviewed and turned in sometimes weekly, the creation of tests, and other ways to measure a student's progress. Let’s not forget the grading part. Depending on the type of teacher you want to be, it can take a long time. This was expected. And yes, sometimes your summertime is used to become a better teacher and coach, most of the time at your own expense.

The other world I worked in was the culinary world. This is a stressful world, and when I was a chef for a catering company, I was expected to be ready every day. One be “on” every day; by that, I mean in a good mood, ready to tackle the day's events and all issues and challenges with a smile. As the guy in charge, I needed to always be in the kitchen. One year, we had 150 events between Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. These were events that were a two-person dinner to a 600-person open house event. During this season, I ran two shifts and, some days, left the kitchen at 2 am and would nap and be back at 6:30 am.

In both these jobs, I made money, but today, to have a work-life balance is something kind of new. I think today I would be very thoughtful about setting hourly boundaries and saying, “Don’t call me on my day off or vacation.”

In the past, I don’t see that I could have had that conversation, and if I tried, I would not see it going anywhere. I see that in today’s world, we can have that conversation.

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