Wim Hoff in female flesh. Love this but hate this. My brother died in a YMCA course called GOING BEYOND YOUR COMFORT ZONE. There is a part of myself that has used that as a permission slip not to go beyond my comfort zone, but to dwell in it and love it! Acknowledge it and feel it completely. Not run from it, but hunker down-way down into the comfort, the freedom, the pleasure, and delight.

YET, I also acknowledge, I haven't gone for goals like I used to do in high school when so successful. I learned early that success bores responsibility which limits freedom. I love freedom. But is that the best use of my skill sets?

I've been trying to realign with my deepest self so I can access my dreams and wake up with nuggets of where I went overnight.

This morning, after last night's request that I remember, I could feel the verbatim rippling through my head like a paragraph in flight. Quick, grab the recorder, get this down.

I did.

I got out of bed so hopeful.

I know intellectually the power and purpose of a cold plunge.

I would like to be in charge of my auto pilot.

I enjoy pictures of elephants but I really love seeing you as you do what you describe!

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