Moonshot Mentor
Moonshot Mentor with Laverne McKinnon
Unlocking Your Life Purpose

Unlocking Your Life Purpose

The Missing Puzzle Piece to a Thriving Career

Imagine life as a 1000 piece puzzle, and your purpose is the missing corner that completes the picture. 

It's that intrinsic, often elusive sense of direction that gives your life meaning, guiding you on a path toward fulfillment and contentment. This missing puzzle piece, your life purpose, holds the key to unlocking a thriving career and a deeply satisfying existence.

Think of it this way: your life purpose is your unique signature in the world, a combination of your talents, passions, and the impact you want to make. It's not about fitting into a predefined mold; instead, it's about defining your own path. When you're in sync with your purpose, you're in the flow, and life feels less like a struggle and more like a gorgeous tango.


Understanding your life purpose isn't just about making a living; it's about making a life. It's about finding meaning in your daily actions, both personally and professionally. It's about realizing that every role you play, be it a parent, a friend, a colleague, or an entrepreneur, is an opportunity to express your purpose and contribute to the world. Where life purpose gets sticky is when we mistakenly conflate it with our careers. Your job is not your purpose; rather, it's a manifestation of it. 


Moreover, your life purpose is about making a positive impact on the world, which can sometimes feel like a daunting mission. But having a positive impact is not reserved for a privileged few. It’s your responsibility. Each one of us has the power to create ripples of change, no matter how small or large. Your purpose is like a pebble thrown into a pond sending out waves that touch others and inspire them to discover and embrace their own purposes.

So, when you embark on the journey of uncovering your life purpose, you're not just enhancing your career prospects; you're enhancing your entire existence. You're igniting a sense of purpose that can fuel your motivation, drive your focus, and nurture your passion.


Now, I get that some folks might roll their eyes at the notion of having a life purpose. But whether you adhere to the belief or not, your life purpose is like gravity – it's there, whether you're conscious of it or not.

Often, when folks find themselves stuck or unsatisfied in their careers, it's because they're not aligned with their purpose. That's when you start feeling a bit flat, unmotivated, discouraged, or just plain disconnected. But you can change that narrative.


I want to invite you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and create your own life purpose statement. It's a simple, not easy three-part process:

Part 1: Name your talents and gifts. 

Pro-Tip: Ask friends or trusted colleagues for their input. Sometimes, we're too close to see our own strengths. For instance, I was surprised to learn that my gifts include organization, strategy, and planning. Because they came so naturally to me, I didn’t recognize them. 

Part 2: Consider how you use these gifts and talents. 

Pro-Tip: Think about the practical application. In my case, I use my gifts of organization, strategy and planning for project management. 

Part 3: Reflect on what becomes possible as a result of your talents and passions. 

Pro-Tip: Think about the needs you're drawn to address in the world, or what tugs at your heartstrings. For me, my mom's experience with racism fueled my mission to help as many people as possible feel a sense of belonging. That translates to my work as a producer when I use project management to make sure our teams are fully considering and advocating for marginalized voices.


My life purpose statement looks like this:

I fuse my intellect, heart and intuition with my gifts of organization, strategy and planning to help people (re) craft and tell their stories so that they find inner peace, a deep sense of belonging and harmony. Thus hatred, violence and despair disappear.

One of the keys to crafting your life purpose statement is to keep it in the present tense. Instead of saying, 'I want' or 'I hope,' make it a declaration. Here's an example of a before-and-after statement: 

Before: I want to craft and cultivate beautiful, whimsical, aesthetically exciting and dreamlike landscapes of design that hopefully others will love and brings deep joy. Thus making the world a safe, calm and peaceful place for all.

After:  I craft and cultivate beautiful, whimsical, aesthetically exciting and dreamlike landscapes of design that others bring deep joy and love. Thus making the world a safe, calm and peaceful place for all.

It feels really different doesn’t it? By using the words ‘want’ or ‘hope’, you’re staying in a place of aspiration. By using the present tense, you shift the energy and allow your subconscious to feel that it’s happening now. 


Sometimes, it helps to use metaphors to bring your life purpose alive. Here’s one of my favorites from a client: 

I am a warrior of freedom, nourishing and protecting my community through my talent as a chef and futurist, emboldening people to trust their gut. 


Metaphors can help us see or understand ourselves and the world differently. They can be inspiring and find new pathways. 


I've rewritten my life purpose statement more times than I can count, but the essence remains constant. Stick with it even if you’re struggling. It’s okay to have a sloppy draft. Being in the process will get you to the destination vs. standing on the sidelines.

Some people discover their life purpose instantly, while others take time to find and refine it. The challenge often lies in owning your talents, celebrating them, and believing in your ability to make an impact.  The Marianne Williamson poem, "Our Deepest Fear," encapsulates what holds many of us back from owning our gifts:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.

There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel unsure around you.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.

As we let our own light shine, we consciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.


Your life purpose isn't about chasing grand, unattainable goals or measuring success by societal standards. It's about connecting deeply with your gifts, gaining clarity on how to use them to make the world a better place, and letting that guide your life.

I've had the privilege of witnessing people move from stagnation and apathy to motivation, focus, and passion. Some have transformed from timid bystanders into visionary leaders, all because they embraced their purpose. Others, who once played small or not at all, have changed the trajectory of someone else's life.

So, what will it take for you to step fully into your purpose, live a fulfilled life, and realize your potential? What will it take to make a real difference? The answer is within your reach. It's time to embrace your unique gifts and shine your light on the world.


Here are journal questions to help deepen your relationship with the concept of your life purpose. 

1. Reflect on your current career or life situation. How aligned do you feel with your purpose, and what aspects make you feel disconnected or unsatisfied?

2. Consider your unique talents and gifts. Have you ever taken the time to identify them, or is it something you'd like to explore further? How might these strengths be manifesting in your daily life?

3. Imagine your ideal life purpose statement. What talents and gifts would you include, and how would you articulate the practical application and positive impact of these aspects in the world?

4. Marianne Williamson's poem talks about our deepest fear being our own power. How does this resonate with you? Are there areas of your life where you might be playing small, and if so, what steps could you take to embrace your full potential?

5. Think about a specific challenge or dissatisfaction in your current career or life. How might reframing it through the lens of your life purpose bring new insights or possibilities? What small steps could you take to align more with your purpose in that area?

Need more help? Google “Ikigai”.

🙌🏾  Questions? Would you like additional support in accessing resilience? I offer private coaching sessions as well as in-person and virtual group work. Reach out directly here to set up a complimentary consultation.

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My blog aims to help people achieve their ambitious goals, their moonshot if you will. 😃 Oftentimes, though, we neglect an essential aspect of pursuing our dreams: the inevitable missteps, obstacles, and failures that come our way. Failing to acknowledge and process these losses properly can lead to imposter syndrome, burnout, low self-esteem, confusion, and even result in completely abandoning our dreams. 😟  That's why I strongly advocate for embracing grief awareness (along with other tools like values identification, knowing your why, sharpening executive function, habit forming, and more.) By doing so, we can effectively navigate challenges, regain motivation, and hit our moonshots. ✌🏾️ If you know someone who could benefit, please share this newsletter or recommend me to them. 🙏

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Moonshot Mentor
Moonshot Mentor with Laverne McKinnon
Stories, tools, and strategies to conquer career setbacks, including grief work, as unresolved loss can lead to diminished resilience—a career challenge faced by everyone at some stage in life. Each podcast is an audio blog post from Laverne McKinnon, a Career Coach and Grief Recovery Specialist, Film and Television Producer, and Northwestern University Professor.