Moonshot Mentor
Moonshot Mentor with Laverne McKinnon
Relentless Productivity is Not a Path to Being Worthy

Relentless Productivity is Not a Path to Being Worthy

Embracing Rest as Rebellion

I believe in the power of rest, reflection, and restoration. But I haven’t always. For years, I've been caught in the cycle of constant activity, believing it to be a measure of my worth and lovability. This habit, deeply ingrained, especially in the context of my career, has been a significant aspect of my life.

Earlier this year, I came across a profound book: Rest is Resistance: A Manifesto by

. This work awakened and challenged me on a spiritual level and prompted a reevaluation of my relationship with constant doing. I learned that my drive to do is intertwined with how a capitalist society exploits and dehumanizes in order to thrive. I now believe that it has been ingrained in me (and the women in front of and before me) that we don’t deserve to rest until we are told that we have done enough. 


According to Hersey, rest, in its simplest form, becomes an act of resistance. It’s a path to reclaim power because it says that we are enough, we do not have to prove our worth by participating in Grind Culture. She says: 

“Grind culture has normalized pushing our bodies to the brink of destruction. We proudly proclaim showing up to work or an event despite an injury, sickness, or mental break. We are praised and rewarded for ignoring our body’s need for rest, care, and repair.”

Indeed, I have had a very troubled relationship with rest. I can’t slow down to enjoy a meal. I’m constantly popping up to refill a glass, clear a dish, dim the lights, turn up the music. I have to earn watching my favorite shows by completing a requisite number of tasks on my to-do list. My to-do list is my calling card - the longer it is, the more worthy I feel. I recently journaled about a goal for 2024: figure out a way to have more energy with less sleep. When will I learn? 


According to Wikipedia, Tricia Hersey is an American poet, performance artist, and activist best known as the founder of the organization The Nap Ministry. She refers to herself as the Nap Bishop and advocates for the importance of rest as a racial and social justice issue.

When the New York Times wrote a review of her book, they highlighted how “the concept of getting sufficient rest for good health is not new, and it’s well known that Black people are operating under a dangerous sleep deficit in America. In a 2020 survey of behavioral habits, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that nearly 44 percent of Black adults reported having short sleep duration (defined as less than 7 hours per night) compared with 31 percent of white adults. Lack of rest is correlated with conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure — diseases that disproportionately affect Black people.”

Hersey’s manifesto is a call to action for Black women, and it also spoke to me as a mixed race woman. I feel a constant pull to do, do, do at the expense of my well-being. 


In an effort to honor and internalize Hersey's teachings, I've decided to take a break from the Moonshot Mentor blog and blogcast until January 8, 2024. This hiatus is a dedicated period for rest, reflection, and restoration.

Me and my eldest daughter Mitzi when she was a baby.

I encourage you to explore Tricia Hersey's book, ideally supporting a local bookseller. Additionally, I extend a challenge to you: embrace rest. Understand its power as an act of rebellion against a culture that applauds pushing ourselves to the brink.

Thank you for your understanding during this pause. I look forward to returning with a refreshed perspective and renewed energy in the new year. Until then, take good care, and I'll catch up with you in 2024.


As a token of appreciation for being a part of the Moonshot Mentor community, consider these reflection questions a gift.

Reflections on 2023

  • What tiny, seemingly insignificant moment from 2023 brought you immense joy or insight?

  • Reflecting on the challenges of the past year, how did you transform adversity into growth?

  • What have you learned from 2023? What is serving you that you want to keep, what is not serving and is time to release? 

  • What name would you give to 2023? There are no wrong answers. It can be a word, an expression, a sentence, a song, a poem. 

Envisioning 2024

  • As we stand on the doorstep of 2024, what values are calling you forward? What does 'living wholeheartedly' look like for you in the upcoming year?"

  • Who do you need to be in order to keep what’s important to you at the forefront? 

  • What whispers of curiosity are you hearing for 2024? Any inklings that make your heart beat a little faster?

  • In the dance of challenges and growth, how do you plan to waltz with the unknown in 2024?

  • As you navigate the path ahead, what kind of support might be your trusted companion? What does your heart yearn for as you journey into the unfolding chapters of your life?

  • When you think about the coming days of 2024, where's the arena where you want to cultivate and nurture your confidence? 

  • Where are you trying to go solo and how is that working for you?

  • When it comes to building relationships, what does that look like for you? And maybe a little deeper, how can you step into the arena and be even more intentional about growing those connections in the year ahead?

  • What name would you give to 2024? There are no wrong answers. It can be a word, an expression, a sentence, a song, a poem. 

Wishing you a wonderful winter break and holiday season. 

P.S. The response to joining a group for indie producers has been amazing and overwhelming and I’ve filled all the slots! I’m thinking about adding a third group — contact me if you think you might be interested. 😁

🙌🏾  Questions? Would you like additional support in accessing resilience? I offer private coaching sessions as well as in-person and virtual group work. Reach out directly here to set up a complimentary consultation.

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🙌🏾  You’ll receive regular emails (with lots of heart and a bit of humor) that share a tool or insight from my coaching practice.

🙌🏾  Typically the blog and blogcast will have a question at the end to provoke thought that supports you in your growth.

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My blog aims to help people achieve their ambitious goals, their moonshot if you will. 😃 Oftentimes, though, we neglect an essential aspect of pursuing our dreams: the inevitable missteps, obstacles, and failures that come our way. Failing to acknowledge and process these losses properly can lead to imposter syndrome, burnout, low self-esteem, confusion, and even result in completely abandoning our dreams. 😟  That's why I strongly advocate for embracing grief awareness (along with other tools like values identification, knowing your why, sharpening executive function, habit forming, and more.) By doing so, we can effectively navigate challenges, regain motivation, and hit our moonshots. ✌🏾️ If you know someone who could benefit, please share this newsletter or recommend me to them. 🙏

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Moonshot Mentor
Moonshot Mentor with Laverne McKinnon
Stories, tools, and strategies to conquer career setbacks, including grief work, as unresolved loss can lead to diminished resilience—a career challenge faced by everyone at some stage in life. Each podcast is an audio blog post from Laverne McKinnon, a Career Coach and Grief Recovery Specialist, Film and Television Producer, and Northwestern University Professor.