Moonshot Mentor
Moonshot Mentor with Laverne McKinnon
When Grief And Love Are Intertwined

When Grief And Love Are Intertwined

For Valentine’s Day, I could not pass up this chance to talk about a different type of love and how it’s intertwined with grief. Sorta like PB&J, or potato chips & cottage cheese, or ketchup on popcorn. Listen on!

Read the full written blog post of this podcast.


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Moonshot Mentor
Moonshot Mentor with Laverne McKinnon
Stories, tools, and strategies to conquer career setbacks, including grief work, as unresolved loss can lead to diminished resilience—a career challenge faced by everyone at some stage in life. Each podcast is an audio blog post from Laverne McKinnon, a Career Coach and Grief Recovery Specialist, Film and Television Producer, and Northwestern University Professor.